American Corner Prizren offers several ongoing special programs described below. Please consult our Upcoming Events to see current events.

Conversation Hours

Reading Hours

Story Time

Movie Time

Game Day

Conversation Hours with English Teaching Assistants

We organize regular weekly conversation with English Teaching Assistant (ETA). ETAs are native English speakers, who come to Kosovo to teach and are integrated usually in primary and secondary schools. These are very popular conversations and discussions hours on various chosen topics, where you are exposed to American English as well as challenged to speak and get involved in conversation. It is a wonderful program to build your English speaking skills and develop presentation and other skills.

How to participate:

Everyone is welcome to participate. Please consult our Upcoming Events to see if we are organizing a Conversation Hour with ETA on your interested date, and drop us an email that you are participating at:

Reading Hours with Volunteers

Reading Hours are very popular. They are organized and conducted by one of our Corner’s volunteers. A specific topic, poem or prose is selected and discussed.

How to participate:

Everyone is welcome to participate. Please consult our Upcoming Events to see if we are organizing a Reading Hour with Volunteers on your interested date, and drop us an email that you are participating at:

Story Time

Story time are designed for children, and intended to develop their writing skills. Children come together, led by one of Corner’s volunteers, and build their writing skills through writing and reading stories they prefer.  It is a great program for children wishing to develop English writing skills.

How to participate:

Everyone is welcome to participate. Please consult our Upcoming Events to see if we are organizing a Story Time on your interested date, and drop us an email that you are participating at:

Movie Time

Movie group views are quite popular, where you come together, watch a movie, discuss about it, socialize and have fun with your friends and peers. We show various American-related movies both new and classics. Please consult our Upcoming Events to see if we are organizing a Movie Night on your interested date

How to participate: Everyone is welcome to show up. However, since we also host organized groups to watch movies, we would appreciate if you could drop us an email letting us know that you are participating at:

Game Day

We organize game days for children of different age groups. Children and their accompanying parents/persons are welcome to join for cardboard, video or other fun games. Please consult our Upcoming Events to see if we are organizing a Game Day on your interested date.

How to participate: Everyone, children and parents, are welcome to show up. However, since we host organized groups of children from schools and kindergartens on game days, we would appreciate if you could drop us an email letting us know that you are participating at:

If you are interested to participate as a school/kindergarten, send us an email at least one to two weeks in advance.